Can Turmeric help in Heart Attack?
Myocardial infarction is the medical term for what is commonly referred to as heart attack. The heart requires constant supply of oxygen to function. There are two large arteries, called coronary arteries which are responsible for delivering oxygenated blood to the heart. If one of the coronary arteries or its branches become blocked it can cause severe tissue damage and can even prove to be life threatening.
What are the signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction?
The typical symptoms of heart attack include chest pain and shortness of breath but they can be varied and include the following
Pain in the chest radiating to arm, back, jaw or any other area of upper body. The pain may last for a few minutes and can come and go.
Pressure or tightness in the chest.
Shortness of breath which may be accompanied by sweating.
Nausea and vomiting.
Accelerated heart rate.
What are the causes of myocardial infarction?
Blockage of coronary arteries – When coronary arteries become blocked, because of plaque buildup, the blood circulation decreases down remarkably or stops altogether. This can result in heart attack. There are various factors which can lead to blockage in coronary arteries including following:
Elevated bad cholesterol levels – LDL or bad cholesterol sticks to the walls of arteries and forms plaque deposits which result in narrowing of arteries and compromised blood flow.
Intake of high fat diet – Diet rich in poly saturated and trans fats (such as processed or fried food) leads to high cholesterol levels in blood.
Lifestyle issues– Being overweight and having a sedentary lifestyle is another cause of increased cholesterol levels.
What are the risk factors related to myocardial infarction?
The following are considered as risk factors for myocardial infarction:
High cholesterol level – Elevated levels of cholesterol are directly related to plaque deposition and thus increase the risk of heart attack. Women with history of increased blood pressure in pregnancy are also considered increased risk.
Poor dietary habits — People eating saturated fats (found in animal products and trans-fats which come from some commercially baked cookies, doughnuts, cream filled candies, and margarine) usually have high triglyceride and cholesterol level. Also, foods such as red meat and full-fat dairy products are also known culprits for increasing total cholesterol level.
High Blood Pressure – Having high blood pressure leads to arterial damage, making them prone to buildup of plaque. People with consistent high blood pressure are thus at an increased risk of heart disease.
Age – The risk of having a myocardial infarction or heart attack does increase with age. It is believed that men above age 45 are at an increase risk of a heart attack, and women after age of 55.
Family History of heart attack – There is increased likelihood of heart attack if one has family history of early heart disease. The risk becomes especially high if there are male family members with heart disease before age 55 or female family members with heart disease before age 65.
Lack of exercise – It is a known fact that regular exercise is very important in bringing up HDL or “good” cholesterol concentration and lowers the LDL or “bad” cholesterol and thus having a direct impact towards heart problems.
Obesity – Cholesterol is directly related to BMI. The total cholesterol level rises with the rise in BMI. Having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater puts you at a risk of high cholesterol which is contributing factor in heart diseases.
Diabetes — High blood sugar levels are known to contribute towards higher LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. Not only this, constantly higher levels of blood sugar also damage the lining of arteries.
Smoking — Smoking cigarettes ends up damaging the walls of blood vessels and makes them prone to fatty deposit accumulation. In addition, smoking can also lower the level of HDL or “good” cholesterol.
Sedentary Lifestyle — It is well established that being physically active plays a very important role in cholesterol levels and an exercise threshold must be met to boost HDL or good cholesterol.
What are the complications occurring from myocardial infarction?
There are a lot of complications which can arise from myocardial infarction including but not limited to following:
Ischemic Complications — Angina, recurrent infarction and infarct extension wherein there is a progressive increase in amount of myocardial necrosis (area which does not get oxygenated blood).
Embolic Complications — When a blood clot is formed in the heart and reaches the bloodstream, it is referred to as cardiac embolism. An embolism that reaches brain can be quite dangerous and manifest in stroke. Patients may get limb ischemia, renal infarction, or mesenteric ischemia because of emboli. Systemic emboli tend to occur within the first 10 days after acute MI. Mesenteric ischemia may present as acute abdominal pain, anorexia and even bloody diarrhea. Renal infarction can result in related symptoms of flank pain, hematuria, and acute renal insufficiency.
Inflammatory Complications — About 10% risk of pericarditis is associated with acute MI and this inflammatory condition can develop as a response to necrotic tissue.
Arrhythmic Complications — Ventricular arrhythmia’s are known to be common complication of MI. other type of arrhythmia’s, AV blocks, and nodal dysfunction can also be reported.
Mechanical Complications — Acute MI can result in a variety of mechanical complications including ventricular septal defect (VSD), rupture of papillary muscle, rupture of cardiac free wall, LV failure with cardiogenic shock, ventricular aneurysm, dynamic LV outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction, and right ventricular (RV) failure. These complications may need to be treated surgically leading to increased risk.
What all diagnostic tests are used to diagnose myocardial infarction?
Electrocardiogram — ECG is usually the first test that is done if heart attack is suspected. It records electrical activity of heart and shows it one the monitor via electrodes attached to the skin. If heart has an injury due to infarction, the ECG signals can capture that abnormality and help with diagnosis.
Blood tests — Certain heart enzymes start to leak out in the blood when an injury to heart has occurred. Blood test to include creatine phosphokinase (CK), CK-MB fraction, and troponin I and T levels are usually ordered to detect heart problems.
Chest x-ray — A chest x-ray might be ordered to check for size of heart and fluid in lungs.
Exercise Stress Test — Stress test is done to measure heart’s functioning in response to exertion. The patient is made to walk on treadmill attached to the ECG machine to monitor signals transmitted by heart.
Nuclear Stress Test — It is similar to exercise stress test but an intravenous dye is injected and special imagining techniques are used to get detailed view of heart.
Echocardiogram — An echocardiogram uses high frequency ultrasonic sound waves to take pictures of heart’s chambers, valves, walls and major blood vessels. A probe called transducer is passed over the chest and sound waves echo back which are changed to pictures that can be viewed on monitor to reach accurate diagnosis.
Coronary Catheterization — During catheterization, a contrast dye is injected into the arteries of heart through a catheter (a long, thin tube) which is inserted through an artery, in leg or groin, to the arteries in your heart. X-rays are taken where areas of blockage or narrowing of arteries can be identified.
Cardiac computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) — To check on extent of damage to the heart, any of these tests can be ordered. Using the advanced CT technology, detailed anatomy of heart is visualized. MRI is an important test which can create both still and moving pictures of the heart and major blood vessels.
What should be done to prevent myocardial infarction?
Recommendations for prevention of myocardial infarction are following:
Lifestyle modification to maintain ideal body weight and eating a heart-healthy diet is extremely important.
Tight control of blood pressure.
Reduction of cholesterol level.
Stringent control of diabetes.
Stress management.
Smoking cessation.
Regular exercise.
Is turmeric useful in treatment of myocardial infarction?
Studies have proven that people taking Curcumin had about 65 percent lower chance of suffering from heart attack. Not only that, it is also known to suppress thrombosis. Cardioprotective effects of Curcumin have been well established in research.
Atherosclerosis is a very serious condition where arteries become narrow due to plaque deposits and cholesterol. Reduced blood flow to the heart muscle because of atherosclerosis leads to angina pectoris or a heart attack. Curcumin exhibits proven activity against atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
Curcumin has proven anti–atherosclerotic action via protection against inflammation and oxidation, modulation of cholesterol homeostasis. Also it is known to inhibit platelet aggregation. There are numerous reports suggesting Curcumin is beneficial in lowering low density lipoprotein (LDL) and raising high density lipoprotein (HDL) while reducing lipid peroxidation.
Why should you use SNEC30 instead of raw turmeric?
Research has already proven that efficacy of turmeric is due to its natural component Curcumin and extracted Curcumin is quite powerful in order to utilize best benefits of turmeric. It is quite potent even more than prescription medicines and that too without any adverse side effects.
The US Patented formulation SNEC30 capsule contains Curcumin which is the phytoderivative responsible for healing properties of turmeric. SNEC30 can very well be referred to as the most absorbable Curcumin with highest bioavailability till date. The unique formula of SNEC30 is based on Self Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) that helps it achieve Cmax of active curcuminoids several times more than its’ closest rival.
How can one avail best benefits of Curcumin in terms of bioavailability?
SNEC30 is the patented formula which has most easily absorbable form of Curcumin with highest degree of bioavailability. Curcumin itself has very low bioavailability which means a low percentage of what is consumed is actually absorbed.
Curcumin in the SNEC 30 forms a nano-emulsion in the stomach which stays stable in the presence of gastric juices and acid. It then bypasses the presystemic metabolism in order to get absorbed through the lipid absorption channel and Peyers’ patches in the intestines which is the pathway for drug and vaccine delivery. It also escapes Liver First Pass (the phenomenon whereby concentration of drug is greatly reduced before it actually reaches the systemic circulation). SNEC30 reaches directly into the lymphatic system providing the basis for high Cmax (maximum serum concentration that a drug can achieve) at very low doses.
Efficacy rate of SNEC30 is clearly manifested in radiolabelled studies where normal Curcumin remains unabsorbed in the stomach and large intestine whereas SNEC30 reaches to the brain and extremities as well whereas target organ where healing needs to take place in most of the cases.
Curcumin in SNEC30 works in a synchronized fashion in the body working on cellular membranes to organize them more orderly. This not only improves the resistance of cells against infection and malignancy as well as helps release various receptors to control inflammation and pain.
SNEC30 is also free radical scavenger. The Curcumin present in SNEC30 neutralizes free radicals and makes it the best natural antioxidant. Its immunomodulatory action strengthens the body to fight against most viral and bacterial infections. It should also be noted here that turmeric has been used as antimicrobial and disinfectant for centuries for wide ranging topical bacterial and fungal infection.
What is SNEC30?
It is a well known fact that that traditionally turmeric has been used in India for a variety of diseases and modern science has indeed confirmed that all these benefits of turmeric can be attributed to presence of Curcumin. Like citrus fruits are source of vitamin C, turmeric is known to be the source of Curcumin. This Curcumin is a highly potent compound but its absorption through turmeric is not very easy.
Typically a turmeric root contains about 3-5% of Curcumin and thus taking non-standardized powdered turmeric root would entail intake of a very large amount in order to derive any benefit. At the same time, Curcumin from turmeric is not easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.
Curcumin is like a whole pharmacy in itself working on various metabolic activities in body in a synergistic and harmonious fashion.
SNEC30 – Self Nano Emulsifying Curcumin 30 mg is a patented formulation which has high degree of bio-availability and thus it enables rapid and increased absorption of Curcumin into blood. SNEC30 facilitates instantaneous rapid action against a myriad of painful and inflammatory conditions. Curcumin in SNEC30 is easily metabolized in body’s lipid system converting itself into an emulsion in the stomach in order to allow complete dissolution and rapid absorption.
SNEC30 is highly recommended to derive maximum benefit of Curcumin as it is a unique patented form of Curcumin which is highly absorbable at a rapid rate to ensure instant action on any disease process.
What are the effects of SNEC30 on myocardial infarction ?
Curcumin reduced the level of malondialdehyde, inhibited activity of MMPs, preserved ECM from degradation and attenuated collagen deposition, as it reduced the extent of collagen-rich scar and increased mass of viable myocardium. In addition to reducing collagen synthesis and fibrosis in the ischaemic/reperfused myocardium, curcumin significantly down-regulated the expression of TGFβ1 and phospho-Smad2/3, and up-regulated Smad7 and also increased the population of α-smooth muscle actin expressing myofibroblasts within the infarcted myocardium relative to the control. Echocardiography showed it significantly improved left ventricular end-diastolic volume, stroke volume and ejection fraction. The wall thickness of the infarcted middle anterior septum in the curcumin group was also greater than that in the control group. [1]
How SNEC30 works on myocardial infarction?
Cardioprotective and Vasoprotective activities— Highly potent and bioavailable Curcumin present in SNEC30 can reduce oxidative stress and improve ventricular function. It has been proved in research that reduced infarct size, serum creatinine phosphokinase, and lactate dehydrogenase activity. Additionally it appeared to have protective effect on myocardial injury due to its unique antioxidant properties.
Hypolidaemic activities— SNEC30 upregulates LDL or bad cholesterol and increases fecal extraction of bile acids and cholesterol. SNEC30 lowers LDL cholesterol by preventing its oxidation and thus suppressing the build-up of plaque in arteries which eventually lead to heart disease. SNEC30 has a unique ability to prevent cholesterol production in the liver and also it blocks cholesterol absorption in the gut thus reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation in the lining of the arteries.
What is the usual recommended dosage of SNEC30?
SNEC30 is completely safe even at very high dosages also but ideally dosage should be customized according to individual body requirement.
Are there any adverse effects of SNEC30?
Trials generally report very few, if any, adverse effects of SNEC30 even at very high dosages. There have been no reports of toxicity following even large amount of turmeric ingestion.
All the information on this site is for general educational purpose and in no way can substitute the consultation with an ayurvedic doctor. It is highly recommended that you consult your ayurvedic doctor or health care professional to determine your individual requirements.