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Curcumin for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Curcumin for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a condition referring to infection of female reproductive organs.

It is considered one of the most serious complications of sexually transmitted diseases. Permanent damage to the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or other parts of the female can happen because of pelvic inflammatory disease. It can cause scarring of the reproductive organs and is also the primary preventable cause of infertility in women.

Unfortunately, pelvic inflammatory disease is very common and affects a lot of women, but sexually active women with multiple partners have a significantly higher risk. The mostly pelvic inflammatory disease is caused by Chlamydia and/or gonococcal infection.

What are the signs and symptoms of the pelvic inflammatory disease?

Signs and symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease typically include the following:

Abnormal vaginal discharge that might be yellow or green in color with a strange odor to it.

Pain in the right upper abdomen.

Lower back pain.

Dull aching pain and/or tenderness in the lower abdominal area.

Irregular periods.

Pain while passing urine.

High fever

Nausea and vomiting

Painful sexual intercourse.

What are the causes of pelvic inflammatory disease?

Typically, the cervix is able to curb bacteria from the vagina and from reaching up to the internal reproductive organs. If the cervix becomes exposed to a sexually transmitted disease (gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia), it becomes infected and is not fully able to prevent the spread of organisms to the internal organs. When these disease-causing bacteria reach the upper genital tract, it causes pelvic inflammatory disease. About 90% of all cases of PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE result from untreated gonorrhea and Chlamydia. Some other causes may include childbirth, abortion, and pelvic procedures.

What are the risk factors related to pelvic inflammatory disease?

Certain factors increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease and include the following:

Previous history of STDs – Women with the previous history of sexually transmitted diseases have a higher risk of getting pelvic inflammatory disease.

History of PID– A previous episode of the pelvic inflammatory disease also increases the risk of repeated occurrence.

Multiple sexual partners– Sexually active women with multiple partners are more likely to get the pelvic inflammatory disease because of multiple exposures to bacteria.

Younger sexually active women – It is believed that younger women have a higher risk compared to old women.

Usage of douches – Usage of douche seems to push bacteria to the upper reproductive organs and hence likely to contribute to pelvic inflammatory disease.

Recent insertion of IUD – Before an IUD is inserted, ideally, the individual should be tested for STDs, as there is increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease during the period following IUD insertion.

Unprotected intercourse – Having sexual intercourse without the use of a condom can increase the risk of contracting an infection and hence the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.

What are the complications occurring from pelvic inflammatory disease?

Infertility – Pelvic inflammatory disease is a major preventable cause of infertility i.e. the inability to conceive in a woman. Untreated PIDs and the number of incidences of PIDs increases the difficulty in conceiving by many folds.

Ectopic/Tubal pregnancy – Pelvic inflammatory disease is known to be the main cause of ectopic pregnancies where a fertilized egg is unable to reach the uterus to be implanted. This condition can cause excessive bleeding and can be life-threatening.

Chronic pelvic pain – Scarring due to pelvic inflammatory disease can result in chronic pelvic pain and pain during intercourse.

What are all diagnostic tests used to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease?

Physical Exam — Examination by an expert would entail the history of general health and sexual history as well. The internal pelvic exam would need to be performed to check on reproductive organs. Any abnormal discharge might need to be sent for laboratory examination to check for Chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Blood Tests — To check for the presence of infectious serology, blood tests would need to be ordered.

Ultrasound – Ultrasonic exam can provide detailed imaging of reproductive organs.

Endometrial biopsy – In some cases, a biopsy from the lining of the uterus (called endometrium) might be sent for evaluation.

Laparoscopy – To examine internal reproductive organs, in case of severe infection, might be indicated.

What should be done to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease?

Safe sexual practices – Using condoms and practicing safe sex prevents infections and decreases the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.

Regular tests for STDs – Those who are at high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases should get themselves tested regularly to avoid untreated infection and scarring.

Testing for the partner – In case of diagnosed STD, the partner should also be tested and treated accordingly to avoid re-infection.

Avoidance of douches – Douches are believed to alter normal vaginal flora and push harmful bacteria, so they should be avoided.

Is turmeric useful in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease?

Curcumin present in turmeric is an excellent antibacterial agent which helps eradicate the infection-causing bacteria. The anti-inflammatory properties of Curcumin help control inflammation and resulting pain. Not only this, it boosts the immune system in order to cure the infection as well as to prevent the recurrence.

Why should you use SNEC30 instead of raw turmeric?

SNEC30 Has Highly Potent Concentrated Curcumin – Research has already proven that efficacy of turmeric is due to its natural component Curcumin and extracted Curcumin is quite powerful if one wishes to utilize the best benefits of turmeric. It is quite potent even more than prescription medicines and that too without any adverse side effects.

SNEC30 Provides Highest Bioavailability Of Curcumin – The US Patented formulation SNEC30 capsule contains Curcumin which is the phyto-derivative responsible for healing properties of turmeric. SNEC30 can very well be referred to as the most absorbable Curcumin with the highest bioavailability to date.

SNEC30 Uses SNEDDS Which Provides Better Absorption – Unique formula of SNEC30 is based on Self Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) that helps it achieve Cmax (peak serum concentration of any drug) of active curcuminoids several times more than its closest rival.

Low Bioavailability Of Curcumin Present In Turmeric – A variety of studies regarding absorption, transportation, assimilation, and elimination of turmeric have proved that Curcumin present in it has low absorption and rapid metabolism which leads to relatively low bio‑availability. The low half-life of turmeric is another factor which decreases its absorption in the body.

How can SNEC30 provide best benefits of Curcumin in terms of bioavailability?

SNEC30 gets easily absorbed due to high bioavailability – SNEC30 is the patented formula which has most easily absorbable form of Curcumin with the highest degree of bioavailability. Curcumin in turmeric has very low bioavailability which means a low percentage of what is consumed is actually absorbed.

SNEC30 forms a nano-emulsion for better Curcumin assimilation – Curcumin in SNEC30 forms a nano-emulsion in the stomach which stays stable in the presence of gastric juices and acid. It then bypasses the pre-systemic metabolism in order to get absorbed through the lipid absorption channel and Peyers’ patches in the intestines which is the pathway for drug and vaccine delivery. It also escapes Liver First Pass (the phenomenon whereby the concentration of the drug is greatly reduced before it actually reaches the systemic circulation). SNEC30 reaches directly into the lymphatic system providing the basis for high Cmax (maximum serum concentration that a drug can achieve) at very low doses.

SNEC30 works in harmony with body systems so it does not cause imbalance – Curcumin in SNEC30 works in a synchronized fashion in the body working on cellular membranes to organize them more orderly. This not only improves the resistance of cells against infection and malignancy as well as works on various receptors to control inflammation and pain without causing any adverse effects.

SNEC30 is also a free radical scavenger – The Curcumin present in SNEC30 neutralizes free radicals and makes it the best natural antioxidant. Its immunomodulatory action strengthens the body to fight against most viral and bacterial infections. It should also be noted here that turmeric has been used as antimicrobial and disinfectant for centuries for wide-ranging topical bacterial and fungal infection.

What is SNEC30?

SNEC30 is like a whole pharmacy in itself working on various metabolic activities in the body in a synergistic and harmonious fashion.

The Issue With Turmeric – It is a well-known fact that that traditionally turmeric has been used in India for a variety of diseases and modern science has indeed confirmed that all these benefits of turmeric can be attributed to presence of Curcumin. Like citrus fruits are the source of vitamin C, turmeric is known to be the source of Curcumin. Curcumin is a highly potent compound but its absorption through turmeric is not very easy.

Typically a turmeric root contains about 3-5% of Curcumin and thus taking non-standardized powdered turmeric root would entail intake of a very large amount in order to derive any benefit. At the same time, Curcumin from turmeric is not easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Turmeric in itself has conventionally required a lot of additional compounds and tedious methods (such as making a golden paste and other such recipes) to improve its absorption and still it suffers the issue of low absorption due to being expelled out of the body without being absorbed.

Unique patented formulation of SNEC30 and its therapeutic benefits – Self Nano Emulsifying Curcumin 30 mg is a patented formulation which has a high degree of bio-availability and thus it enables rapid and increased absorption of Curcumin into the blood. SNEC30 facilitates instantaneous rapid action against a myriad of painful and inflammatory conditions. Curcumin in SNEC30 is easily dissolved in gastric lumen converting itself into an emulsion in the stomach in order to allow complete dissolution and rapid absorption.

SNEC30 is highly recommended to derive maximum benefits of Curcumin as it is a unique patented form of Curcumin which is highly absorbable at a rapid rate to ensure instant action in any disease process.

What are the effects of SNEC30 on pelvic inflammatory disease?

SNEC30 stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area – SNEC30 helps with blood circulation and in the pelvic organs. It helps with a purification of stagnant blood and supports normal menstruation. The efficient blood circulation helps with improved reproductive health.

SNEC30 acts as a tonic for uterus – SNEC30 has the ability to gently stimulate uterus in order to retain its normal shape and functioning.

SNEC30 inhibits inflammation – SNEC30 is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and it has special ability to alter many pathways and factors which are responsible for triggering inflammation of cells and tissues leading to symptoms.

SNEC30 decreases pain — Various studies have proved that intake of SNEC30 works on the overall decrease of pain bringing about relief for the patient. Not only this, SNEC30 brings about the significant decrease in inflammation and thus reducing dependence on regular painkillers.

SNEC30 has antioxidant effect – SNEC30 due to its antioxidant properties helps in lowering free radical level. SNEC30 neutralizes free radicals released from cells which are responsible for cellular damage and further inflammation.

SNEC30 helps reduce oxidative stress – Curcumin present in SNEC30 has remarkable antioxidant properties which reduce oxidative stress in the endometrium while modulating the secretion of estrogen.

SNEC30 reduces symptoms without side effects – SNEC30 is a safer alternative to conventional medications as it helps relieve symptoms without causing any side effects. Studies have proved efficacy and safety of using Curcumin independently and combined with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and showed that bioavailable forms of Curcumin have higher efficacy in relieving inflammatory symptoms like pain. In fact, the patients who took only Curcumin showed greater improvement in their symptomatology.

How SNEC30 works on pelvic inflammatory disease?

SNEC30 has proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant which helps eradicate the infection and reduces oxidative stress on reproductive organs which might result in significant issues like infertility. It works on boosting the immune system to prevent recurrence of infections and also aids the movement of stagnant blood to normalize menstruation. It enhances blood circulation in order to ensure proper functioning of reproductive organs. SNEC30 has proven efficacy in inhibiting the infection and reducing the inflammation, so as to relieve the symptoms and long-term side effects.

What is the usual recommended dosage of SNEC30?

SNEC30 is completely safe even at very high dosages also but ideally, dosage should be customized according to individual body requirement.

Are there any adverse effects of SNEC30?

Trials generally report very few, if any, adverse effects of SNEC30 even at very high dosages. There have been no reports of toxicity following even large amount of turmeric ingestion.


All the information on this site is for general educational purpose and in no way can substitute the consultation with an ayurvedic doctor. It is highly recommended that you consult your Ayurvedic doctor or health care professional to determine your individual requirements