Discover the Benefits of Turmeric for Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition where there is a gradual decline in kidney functioning over a period of time. It includes diseases that damage the kidneys and affects their functionality.
A common spice in Indian and Asian cuisine, Turmeric for chronic kidney diseases promises great hopes in relieving symptoms and improving kidney health.
Turmeric for chronic kidney disease works in a multifold fashion wherein it blunts the effects of the inflammatory molecules and enzymes that lead to kidney diseases. Studies suggest that turmeric for chronic kidney disease acts as a powerful weapon reducing inflammation that plays a vital role in kidney malfunction.
Worsening of kidney disease leads to a build-up of high levels of waste in the blood which makes a person feel unwell. It can lead to complications like high blood pressure, weak bones, nutritional issues, anaemia, and damage to the nervous system.
Both the kidney and liver have the function of detoxification by excreting waste out of the body. Turmeric for chronic kidney disease is believed to work in a fashion that it increases the production of enzymes in the liver which invigorates and improve blood circulation supporting good liver health – thus, in turn, reducing the detoxification burden on kidneys.
Chronic Kidney disease increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease. These problems may happen gradually over an extended period of time. Chronic kidney disease may be caused by diabetes and high blood pressure which are known to cause target organ dysfunction and some other disorders.
Turmeric for chronic kidney disease assures to control your sugar level as well as relaxes blood vessels so as to lower the risk of complications related to kidney failure.
Almost all kidney diseases are caused by inflammation. Turmeric for chronic kidney disease is beneficial as it is a potent natural anti-inflammatory substance that works as good as anti-inflammatories but without any side effects.
Turmeric for chronic kidney disease presents itself to be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Curcumin, which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is the most active ingredient of turmeric constituting about 1-3% of the magical spice.
Turmeric is one of the spices that may help reduce urea and creatinine levels, prevents and treats kidney inflammation and other kidney-related complications. Active ingredient curcumin fights against free radicals which is the very root cause of a variety of diseases and ageing.
It can help protect residual renal functional cells and tissues suffer less harm or injuries. Turmeric is good for post-transplant patients. It can help reduce the chance of organ rejection so as to greatly improve the survival rate and life span of a kidney transplant.
Turmeric for chronic kidney disease has similar curative effects as non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs; however, is more natural and has no potential renal toxicities.
Expect These Signs and Symptoms in Chronic Kidney Disease
Feeling tired and having low levels of energy.
Swollen feet and ankles.
Trouble sleeping
Muscle cramps at night
Puffiness around the eyes, especially in the morning
Dry and itchy skin
Frequent urination, especially at night.
Pain in back or sides
Shortness of breath
Lack of appetite
Ammonia Breath and Metallic Taste – Failure of Kidney increases the level of urea in the blood known as uremia – the urea is then broken down to ammonia in the saliva causing urine-like bad breath called ammonia breath, usually associated with an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth known as dysgeusia.
Skin rashes and itching – Kidney failure causes a build-up of waste in your blood which causes severe itching and skin rashes leading to other skin issues.
Nausea and vomiting – At times, the reactions of nausea and vomiting are that strong that one cannot even take oral medicines. Nausea and vomiting in chronic kidney disease resulting from acidosis, electrolyte disorders, heart failure, gastrointestinal oedema and uremia encephalopathy.
Feeling cold all the time – Kidney disease is known to cause anaemia, which also causes you to feel cold even when in a warm surrounding.
Dizziness and inability to concentrate – Headache and dizziness are two common problems in chronic kidney disease that can make one feel very uncomfortable and even affect his/her everyday life. Anaemia associated with kidney disease also depletes your brain of oxygen which may cause dizziness, trouble with concentration.
Extreme Fatigue, Anaemia and Generalized Weakness – A hormone called erythropoietin is produced by kidneys which helps red blood cells carry oxygen. When kidneys do not function well, the levels of this hormone drop drastically causing a drop in the number of red blood cells resulting in anaemia which also leads to symptoms like generalized weakness and extreme fatigue.
Foamy Urine – Foamy urine is caused due to the leakage of protein from the body.
Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease
The main causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure which are known culprits for causing target organ dysfunction. High blood sugar level due to diabetes causes damage to various organs including heart, kidneys, blood vessels, nervous system, and even eyes.
Hypertension increases the level of blood pressure and poorly controlled blood pressure is the primary cause of heart attacks, stroke, and chronic kidney disease. At the same time, it should be noted that chronic kidney disease can lead to high blood pressure as well. Certain other conditions which are known to cause kidney problems are the following:
Polycystic kidney disease – Multiple large cysts form in the kidney due to polycystic kidney disease which ends up damaging surrounding healthy tissue.
Glomerulonephritis – It is a name given to a group of conditions which affect filtration units of kidneys, causing them to become inflamed.
Congenital malformations of kidneys – Certain abnormalities are present in some individuals since birth and prevent the normal outflow of urine and causing urine to back up in the kidneys leading to infections and damage.
Lupus – It is a condition that affects the immune system of the body and causes systemic issues.
Repeated incidents of urinary infections – Multiple incidents of urinary infection can cause permanent damage to kidney tissue.
Kidney stones or tumours or enlarged prostate – Obstruction caused by stones or enlargement of the prostate in men can lead to infections which damage the kidney tissue.
Risk Factors Related To Chronic Kidney Disease
Certain factors increase the risk of chronic kidney disease and include the following:
A longstanding history of diabetes.
Having high blood pressure, especially untreated.
Family history of kidney failure
Risk of kidney disease increases with age.
Repeated incidents of kidney stones and urinary infections.
Complications Occurring From Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease leads to a variety of complications including high blood pressure which can damage other organs also. Progression of kidney disease leads to kidney failure requiring dialysis and kidney transplant in order to maintain a healthy life.
Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease
Physical Examination — detailed examination to check for signs and symptoms of kidney disease would be performed. History of high blood pressure would be inquired about. Albumin levels in the urine would also be checked.
Creatinine level — Creatinine level in the blood would be checked to assess for the presence of kidney disorder.
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) — in order to measure the level of kidney function and the stage of kidney disease, the glomerular filtration rate is checked.
Imaging studies — Ultrasound or CT scan would need to be performed to check for images of kidneys and urinary tract. It would help in determining if kidneys are enlarged or too small. Also, issues like a kidney stone or tumour could be detected along with any problems in the structure of kidneys and urinary tract if present.
Kidney biopsy — Kidney Biopsy may need to be done if suggested by an expert doctor to check for the type of kidney disease present and also to determine how much damage to the kidney has happened so as to help with the treatment plan. In order to perform a biopsy, the doctor removes small pieces of kidney tissue to look at them under a microscope.
Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease
Keeping blood pressure under tight control.
Diabetics should maintain stringent control of blood sugar levels.
Maintaining an ideal body weight is also important.
Cholesterol levels should be well managed.
Quitting smoking is highly recommended for smokers.
Natural Kidney Cleanse at Home
Some of the prime functions of the Kidney is to get rid of the excess waste, Balance electrolytes, and creating hormones. A healthy kidney works well in a good and nutritious diet and adequate water intake.
If you are detected with an early stage of Kidney problems, then you can try some of the home remedies for cleansing the kidney.
Keep yourself hydrated – Probably the first thing you learned in school about a human body is that a human body is made of almost 60% of water. Every single organ requires water to function properly.
Kidneys are an important part of the body filtration process and these organs require water to excrete urine. A low urine output might lead to Kidney dysfunction. It is recommended to intake roughly 3.7 litres for men and 2.7 litres a day for women.
Drink Kidney Cleansing Teas – There are many kidney cleansing tea recipes that are designed to enhance the kidney’s ability to naturally cleanse, detox and flush unwanted substances.
Basil, dates, dandelion, and turmeric for kidneys are very useful. Add these to your tea to naturally cleanse your body.
Choose foods that support kidney health – Include those foods and supplements which are good for Kidney health. Grapes, Cranberries, Fruit juices, Seaweed, Calcium-rich foods, Watermelon, Lemon juice, Kidney beans, Apple cider vinegar, and herbs like cinnamon, garlic, and turmeric. Cleansing your kidneys with natural foods improves their function and reduces bloating.
Likewise, cleansing the kidney improves the ability to process certain foods, absorb nutrients, and convert it into energy, preventing fatigue. By flushing out waste and toxins, chances of potential infection and risk for bladder problems reduce.
Usually, a healthy person does not need to flush or cleanse their kidneys. But these beneficial foods, herbal teas, and supplements support kidney health. Think of all these remedies as a part of the kidney aiding system rather than a curing procedure.
If you are suffering from kidney problems, then consult with your healthcare provider or an Ayurvedic doctor before trying a kidney cleanse. Drink plenty of fluids regardless of what you do.
Turmeric for Chronic Kidney Disease
Inflammation plays an important role in the progression of kidney disease which if left untreated can lead to failure of the kidney. Inflammation is an immune response occurring when the body’s white blood cells and immune-fighting chemicals fight to protect you from infective and foreign substances, such as bacteria, viruses, and injuries. Inflammation is characterized by the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals and the migration of white blood cells to the site of injury or infection.
Turmeric for chronic kidney disease proves to be highly effective reducing inflammation as curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is the principal inflammatory mediator that activates a group of proteins called nuclear factor-kB that regulates the inflammation process.
By using Turmeric Supplements for kidney function, curcumin acts upon the pathway of nuclear factor-kB and thus regulates the process of inflammation.
Turmeric for kidney infection also promises to be an antioxidant agent lowering unwanted oxidative stress on kidney tissues and keeping them healthy vice versa improving kidney function.
It is a common notion that using herbal supplements to help with any health concerns like kidney problems you might have, but as a patient with kidney disease, you should use caution with herbal medicine for kidney.
Use of herbal supplements is often unsafe when the intake quantity is too high or taken without medical supervision. Some herbs for kidney function can cause harm to your kidneys and even make your kidney disease worse. The herbal medicine for kidney problems builds many bi-products in the body and the kidneys cannot clear such waste products.
However, turmeric for chronic kidney disease fails to exert 100% of its therapeutic effect due to:
Poor bioavailability
Less permeability and extensive systemic metabolism
Need to be combined with additional compounds to improve absorption
Turmeric root contains only about 1-3% of Curcumin
Non-standardized powdered turmeric root entails intake of large dose in order to derive any benefit
Hence, to modulate the issues with common turmeric/curcumin, a novel formulation, SNEC 30 (Self-nano emulsifying curcumin 30 mg) has been developed.
SNEC 30 is the latest generation of scientifically formulated bioactive co-developed by Arbro Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd, DRDO (Defense Research & Development Organization), and Jamia Hamdard University in collaboration with DST (Department of Science & Technology, GOI). There is a US Patent for the technology used in SNEC 30.
SNEC 30 uses Self Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) which makes the properties of Curcumin too multifold. The technology helps curcumin to achieve maximum concentration in blood (Cmax) several times more compared to its’ closest rival. Self nano-emulsifying curcumin used in SNEC 30 acts fast with lower doses without causing any adverse effects.
Why SNEC30?
SNEC30 Uses SNEDDS for better Absorption, Highest Degree Of Bioavailability With Fast Action Mode
The US patented formulation of SNEC30 is based on the Self Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) that helps it to achieve Cmax (peak serum concentration of any drug) of active curcuminoids several times more than its closest rival.
SNEC30 forms a stable nanoemulsion in the stomach and bypasses the pre-systemic metabolism followed by absorption through the lipid absorption channel and the payers’ patches in the intestines. It also escapes Liver First Pass and directly reaches into systemic blood through the lymphatic system providing the basis for high Cmax at a very low dose.
SNEC30 has “NO Side Effects”
SNEC30 works in a synchronized fashion working on cellular membranes to organize them more orderly. This not only improves the resistance of cells against infection and malignancy as well as works on various receptors to control inflammation and pain without causing any adverse effects.
SNEC30 is a Superior Antioxidant
SNEC30, due to its unique US patented formulation, neutralizes free radicals which makes it the best anti-oxidant. Its immunomodulatory action strengthens the body’s immunity to fight against most microbial infections. SNEC30 also exerts antimicrobial and disinfectant properties for a wide range of topical bacterial and fungal infections.
Effects of SNEC 30 on Chronic Kidney Disease:
SNEC30 Brings Down Inflammation
Inflammation plays a very important role in the progression of kidney disease. SNEC30 is extremely efficient in inhibiting the activity of Notch-GATA signalling pathway while it suppresses the activity of nuclear factor-kappa B- which is the master protein that regulates inflammation. SNEC30 acts on reducing inflammation and is found to be as effective as conventional pharmaceutical medications and that too without side effects.
SNEC30 Prevents Damage To Kidneys
SNEC30 helps in the elimination of free radicals from the body due to its antioxidant effect thereby preventing renal damage. It is known to improve the concentration of glutathione and activates glutathione peroxidase which helps in the removal of free radicals. Since it decreases oxidative stress and thus, in turn, helps treat nephrosis.
SNEC30 Is Super Anti-Microbial Agent
Strong antimicrobial activity of Curcumin present in SNEC30 helps eradicate disease-causing bacteria and thus treats urinary tract infections while antioxidant action boosts the immune system.
Curcumin has antibacterial and antiseptic effects and thus has natural ability to fight against bacterial and viral infections. It has been proved in research that it is almost as effective as antibiotics in the treatment of infections.
SNEC30 Can Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease
SNEC30 inhibits the formation of cysts in kidneys by influencing the production of proteins that are responsible for cellular growth. Also, it prevents these cysts from becoming larger and thus SNEC30 can effectively be used for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.
SNEC30 Has Potential To Treat Diabetic Nephropathy
Long-Standing diabetes can lead to kidney damage which is called diabetic nephropathy which impairs the capacity of kidneys to filter blood. This causes renal functionality to reduce and thus increasing the amount of urine that gets excreted.
SNEC30 helps relieve renal dysfunction and also decreases oxidative stress and thus helps in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.
SNEC30 Improves Glomerulonephritis
SNEC30 can serve as a therapeutic agent for immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis.
Can Turmeric Affect the Kidneys?
First, let’s understand that nutrient levels of any type that are too low or too high in the body can cause health problems. Herbs for kidney disease, such as Turmeric, Cinnamon, Garlic etc. are very healthy when consumed in a proper quantity along with food.
However, overdosage of these herbs for kidney health or too much intake in the pill form can alter the level of the enzymes, alter kidney functions, or thin the blood.
When you are taking turmeric in the raw form, as Curcumin capsules or SNEC30 capsules, do consult with an Ayurvedic doctor so that you are aware of the perfect dosage as per your kidney or renal condition and age.
In chronic kidney disease, some vitamins are lost during dialysis treatment (if you are on dialysis). Following a special diet for renal problems can mean you are missing certain vitamins and minerals. Apart from Curcumin, your doctor might prescribe some other supplements to improve kidney function.
Depending on your health factors, your doctor might recommend B Complex, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin C, and/or Vitamin D as kidney health supplements.
Vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid is to work together with iron to prevent anaemia. Iron also helps to treat anaemia. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is helpful to keep many different types of tissue healthy. Calcium along with vitamin D helps to keep your bones healthy.
Dosage and Safety
SNEC30 is completely safe even at very high doses but the ideal dose should be customized according to individual body requirements. Trials generally report very few, if any, adverse effects of SNEC30 even at very high doses. There have been no reports of toxicity following even large amounts of turmeric ingestion.
How to Buy Curcumin Capsules in India?
It won’t be wrong to conclude that curcumin can keep you hale and hearty and free from any kidney-related disease if taken in the right quantities. Hence, if you’re thinking where to buy curcumin capsules, check out the online store at SNEC30.
We provide the best online curcumin capsules in India at a nominal price with free shipping charges. Another aspect that sets us apart is that on purchasing 1 bottle of SNEC30 120 capsules, you get a 15% discount, while on purchasing 2 or more bottles, you get a 20% discount on the curcumin capsules price.
All the information on this site is for the purpose of general education and in no way can substitute the consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor. It is highly recommended that you consult with your Ayurvedic doctor or health care provider to determine the individual requirements. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should not take any supplements without consulting their doctor.