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Turmeric in Bronchial Asthma Relieves Congestion and Improves Breathing

Turmeric in Bronchial Asthma Relieves Congestion and Improves Breathing

Turmeric in bronchial asthma can do wonders which you may not have known before. Symptoms like feeling breathlessness, frequent episodes of coughing and a wheezing in your chest while you breathe deep or cough can be attributed to bronchial asthma which mounts to the necessity of prevention and relieve of symptoms.

Turmeric for asthma has varied therapeutic effects due to curcumin, the yellow pigment of turmeric. Curcumin has activities in reducing inflammation and dilating airways that relieves breathlessness and improves breathing and also helps in bronchial asthma prevention. Rely on using the golden turmericas ayurvedic medicine for asthma if you are looking a fast and safe solution for your breathing problems.

Bronchial asthma, a chronic inflammatory response of the airways that carry air in and out of lungs, results in periodic bouts/attacks of wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

In every breath, air enters through your nose mainly and some though mouth. Air then flows down the throat and air passageways called bronchial tubes that end in your lungs. These tubes are required to be open for easy passage of air to reach lungs for exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into blood that has to be transported to body’s tissues for survival.

In bronchial asthma, these airways become narrow due to swelling and start producing excessive mucus resulting in difficulty in air flow – diminishing the exchange of gases in blood and also triggers symptoms like coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath (SOB).

Ayurvedic Cure for Asthma

Asthma is documented in ancient Ayurvedic texts as Svasa Roga. Svasa means breathing and roga means a disease. According to the famous ancient ayurvedic text Charak Samhita, there are five types of asthma or Svasa Roga: Maha Svasa, Urdhava Svasa, Chinna Svasa, Tamaka Svasa, and Ksudra Svasa. Among all these five types – Tamaka Svasa is controllable and Ksudra Svasa is curable. The first three are not curable.

Ayurvedic treatment for asthma mainly involves treatment for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha through a pacifying diet with spices such as turmeric, pepper, ginger, and yogic exercises.

It is also asked to avoid Kapha or mucous forming substances such as milk, curd, and yoghurt. Among all the ayurvedic herbs, turmeric for asthma is the most widely researched and used medication for this health condition.

Bronchial asthma attacks can be triggered due to exposure to allergens such as pollens, dust, some foods and occasionally pets. Sometimes, the condition becomes severe enough to interfere with activities of daily living. In fact, it may even lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.

The spice turmeric promises big relief as it contains Curcumin that has direct effect to reduce congestion, allergic reactions and improves breathing with better immunity against allergens.

For some people, asthma attacks happen due to certain triggers such as:

Exercise-induced bronchial asthma is the narrowing of the airways in the lungs that causes shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing during and after strenuous exercise. Also, exposure to dry and cold air can worsen asthma symptoms.

Allergy-induced bronchial asthma which is triggered by airborne allergens such as pollen, mold spores, cockroach waste or pet dander i.e. particles of skin shed by pets.

Occupational hazards induced bronchial asthma that is usually triggered by irritants one gets exposed at workplace like chemical fumes, gases, or dust.

Nocturnal asthma symptoms are felt most often at night or early morning hours. The exact cause of nocturnal asthma is not known but it is assumed that factors such as reclining sleep position, sinusitis, lower level of the hormone epinephrine, and higher levels of hormone histamine trigger nocturnal asthma.

Signs and Symptoms of Bronchial Asthma

Some people only get an asthma attack during exercising and some may have it all the time. Though signs and symptoms of bronchial asthma vary from person to person but typically include the following:

Shortness of breath

Chest pain/tightness



Sleep disruption is associated with shortness of breath, cough, or wheezing bouts

Cough attacks that get worse with a respiratory illness such as the flu

What Causes Bronchial Asthma?

Though causes of bronchial asthma are not really clear but it is believed to be probably due to genetic and environmental factors.Exposure to certain allergens can trigger signs and symptoms of asthma. Though such irritants can vary for individuals but usually include the following:

Respiratory infections, such as flu or common cold.

Airborne allergens including pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste.

Cold air.

Fragrances and perfumes.

Fumes such as insect repellants.

Emotional stress and anxiety.

Extreme changes in temperature.

Exposure to air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke including secondhand smoke from cigarettes.

Physical activity can trigger exercise-induced asthma.

Some medications including beta blockers, aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen can induce asthma in some patients.

Sulfites, preservatives, and MSG added to some types of foods and beverages, including Chinese food, dried fruits, beer and wine.

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where stomach acids come back up into the throat and trigger symptoms of coughing and asthma.

What are the risk factors related to bronchial asthma?

Certain factors increase the risk of bronchial asthma and include the following:

Family history – having a blood relative who has asthma such as parent or sibling

Smoking history

Exposure to secondhand smoke

Having allergies and conditions such as hay fever

Exposure to fumes and chemicals at workplace such as while hair styling and construction

Exposure to pollutants such as fumes or cleaning chemicals

Being overweight

Complications Arising From Bronchial Asthma

Airway remodeling which means permanent narrowing of bronchial tree creating an impact on ability to breathe properly.

Flare-ups of asthma affecting activities work and family life.

Requiring hospitalizations and emergency room visits.

Disrupted sleep.

Side effects of asthmatic medications.

Diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma

Physical Exam — Exam with an expert doctor would differentiate between asthma and other conditions which produce similar symptoms such as respiratory infections or COPD.

Spirometry — It provides an estimation of bronchial tube narrowing by measuring the amount of air that comes out on exhalation.

Peak Flowmetry – A peak flow meter measures how hard one can breathe out. Lower values than normal limit indicate inadequate functioning of lungs.

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) – PFTs are done before and after bronchodilator which opens up the airways. Asthma is diagnosed if lung function improves after the use of bronchodilator.

Imaging – Chest x-ray and CT scan of lungs helps identify abnormalities or presence of infections which can aggravate respiratory problems.

Methacholine Challenge Test – Methacholine when inhaled is a known trigger for causing asthma. This test might need to be done in some cases to check for asthma. Methacholine causes constriction of airways in asthmatics.

The Benefits of Turmeric for Asthma

According to several research studies, curcumin – the primary active compound of turmeric is more effective at reducing inflammation than ibuprofen and aspirin. Research has also shown that turmeric for asthma is similarly effective as it may lower the airway inflammation of lungs in asthma patients.

In research published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research in 2014, adults with asthma who took 500 milligrams (mg) of curcumin in addition to their standard asthma treatment for 30 days had fewer obstructions than the group of adults who used standard asthma treatment alone. Also, the control group who were subjected to curcumin saw a greater improvement in blood parameters like total leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and white blood cell count (TLC).

These findings on blood parameters indicate the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin and suggest that turmeric may help people with breathing problems.

Turmeric – The Potential Ayurvedic Medicine for Allergic Asthma

Scientific Evidence

According to a study performed on animals, curcumin may be able to control allergic responses. Scientists tested the curcumin’s immunomodulatory activity on mice with a latex allergy and found that turmeric successfully reduced lung inflammation and antigen-presenting cells in the treated mice.

Immunomodulatory Effects of Curcumin in Allergy

One of the studies indicates the immunomodulatory effects of turmeric on allergic individuals. People treated with curcumin experienced an antiallergic response inhibiting the release of histamine from the mast cell.

What Does It Mean?

Curcumin in turmeric has the potential to alter the immune response back to the normal level. Thus, turmeric can be used as ayurvedic medicine for allergic asthma.

Turmeric – An Excellent Antioxidant

In asthma, the inflammation of the airways causes increased production of nitric oxide. Curcumin’s antioxidants nature is found to be beneficial in treating asthma.

In a clinical trial on children suffering from asthma wherein, they were treated with a nutritional supplement that contained curcumin as an antioxidant along with the standard asthma treatment. A fall in the FeNO level was observed in a group of children who participated in the trial.

The above findings suggest that curcumin’s antioxidant nature helps in cleansing nitric oxide that mediates oxidative stress and inflammation in asthma patients. Thus, turmeric for asthma can be a useful and easily available treatment option for us.

According to another study aimed at analyzing the impact of curcumin as add-on therapy in moderate partially controlled asthma, patients have shown to have an improved response to IGK regarding lung function, asthma control, and quality of life.

Turmeric has a broad role in antimicrobial-activity. It has a strong action against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Oral fungal infection is a common side effect of asthma treatment. Curcumin’s anti-microbial properties are as effective as steroids and antibiotics in reducing bacterial infections that cause an asthma attack.

Turmeric in Bronchial Asthma Prevents and Soothes Symptoms

Turmeric (haldi) due to its natural anti-inflammatory and expectorant activity helps relieve the symptoms of asthma. Turmeric is the best ayurvedic medicine for bronchial asthma reduces congestion of the bronchial tubes and helps eliminate phlegm thus bringing about significant relief of symptoms and prevents inflammation of airways which maintains normal airflow to your lungs.

Curcumin, a polyphenol, is the main active component of turmeric responsible for its therapeutic effects including anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-oxidant and immunomodulation properties following oral or topical administration. Curcumin Supplement can be an ultimate option for bronchial asthma prevention.

Bronchial asthma being a chronic inflammatory disease of airways has numerous treatment options none of which have disease modifying properties.

Golden spice Turmeric in bronchial asthma has varied pharmacological activities as it contains Curcumin, a yellow dietary pigment – one of the prominent activity of turmeric in bronchial asthma is an anti-inflammatory activity which may be crucial as has been proved by various scientific studies.

The Issue with Common Turmeric:

An Indian dish cannot be imagined without the magical spice turmeric – an integral part of Indian culinary art. Apart from being used as an ingredient in cooking, turmeric is a natural healer containing more than 300 antioxidants.

Remember, turmeric may not be the ayurvedic cure for asthma or allergies but it may be an excellent supplement to help control and reduce the symptoms of bronchitis asthma and allergic reactions.

Evidence suggests that curcumin in turmeric may work on patients by inhibiting mast cell activation, limiting histamine releases, and fighting the body’s inflammatory response linked to allergy and asthma attacks.

However, Curcumin in common turmeric fails to exert 100% of its therapeutic effects due to:

Poor bioavailability of curcumin

Less permeability and extensive systemic metabolism of curcumin

Requirement of additional elements in combination with curcumin for better absorption

When ingested, not much curcumin actually reaches the bloodstream to have any impact on body. Adding to that, turmeric root contains only about 1-3% of Curcumin and thus taking non-standardized powdered turmeric root would entail intake of a very large amount in order to derive any benefit of curcumin.

To counter fight the disadvantages of common turmeric, a novel formulation, SNEC 30 (Self-nano emulsifying curcumin 30 mg) has been developed that has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immuno-modulatory properties without posing any adverse effects.

SNEC 30 is the latest generation of scientifically formulated bioactive co-developed by Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd, DSIR (Department for Scientific & Industrial Research, GOI) and Jamia Hamdard University.

SNEC 30 uses Self Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) which makes it the most effective agent to reduce congestion and inflammation and becomes one of the effective agent for bronchial asthma prevention. SNEC 30 is patented through the prestigious United States Patent for drug delivery system.

SNEC 30 Uses SNEDDS for better Absorption and Bioavailability of curcumin With Fast Action Mode – The US patented formulation of curcumin, SNEC 30 is based on SNEDDS that helps curcumin to achieve Cmax (peak serum concentration of any drug) of active curcuminoids several times more than its’ closest rival. SNEC 30 forms a stable nano emulsion in stomach and bypasses the pre-systemic metabolism followed by absorption through the lipid absorption channel and the payers’ patches in the intestines. It also escapes Liver First Pass and directly reaches into systemic blood through lymphatic system providing the basis for high Cmax at a very low dose.

Curcumin in SNEC 30 has “NO Side Effects” – It Works in Harmony with Other Body Systems – SNEC 30 works in a synchronized fashion working on cellular membranes to organize them more orderly. This not only improves the resistance of cells against infection and malignancy as well as works on various receptors to control inflammation and pain without causing any adverse effects.

SNEC 30 is a Superior Anti-Oxidant – SNEC 30, due to its unique US patented formulation, neutralizes free radicals which makes it the best anti-oxidant. Its immunomodulatory action strengthens body’s immunity to fight against most microbial infections. SNEC 30 also exerts antimicrobial and disinfectant properties for a wide range of topical bacterial and fungal infections.

Bronchial Asthma Benefitted by SNEC 30

SNEC 30 Reduces Inflammation and Congestion

Curcumin in SNEC 30 acts on reducing inflammation of airways by inhibiting the activity of signaling pathway. SNEC 30 also suppresses the activity of a protein, nuclear factor kappa B, which regulates inflammation. Self nano-emulsifying curcumin used in SNEC 30 alleviates bronchial inflammation by creating a balance of immune cells called T helper cells. These actions prevent hypersensitivity reaction in the airways.

SNEC 30 controls other biochemical agents related to inflammation and prevents narrowing of airways which improves breathing pattern and helps in bronchial asthma prevention.

SNEC 30 Prevents Attacks of Asthma

SNEC 30 treatment alleviates airway obstruction as evidenced by improved breathing capacity in a clinical study. It has another added advantage that no side effects are experienced. Researchers have concluded that Curcumin treatment is quite effective as an add-on therapy for bronchial asthma prevention. In fact, it was also revealed that even at low doses, it works better than some of the standard drugs used in treatment of asthma.

SNEC 30 Has an Antioxidant Effect

Asthma causes inflammation of the airways and leads to increased production of nitric oxide. Curcumin present in SNEC 30 helps in scavenging nitric oxide that attributes to inflammation and causes oxidation related issues in asthma.

SNEC 30 Works as Anti-Allergen

Since curcumin in SNEC 30 prevents accumulation of inflammatory cells while preventing constriction of airways. Also it helps with decrease in mucus production and it anti-allergic properties help reduce the incidences of allergy induced asthma.

SNEC 30 Acts as an Antimicrobial Agent

Curcumin present in SNEC 30 is known to have anti-microbial and antiseptic effect. It has natural ability to fight against bacterial and viral infections. It is as effective as antibiotics and helps eradicate respiratory infections which can trigger asthma attacks.

Curcumin in SNEC 30 Helps Modulate Immunity

SNEC 30 has known immune system modulation properties and it alters immune response so as to avoid hypersensitivity reaction. Bronchial asthma actually results from hypersensitive reaction of immune system and SNEC 30 helps balance these reactions – proves to be a fast relief for bronchial asthma prevention.

Dosage and Safety – SNEC 30 is completely safe even at very high doses but ideal dose should be customized according to individual body requirement. Trials generally report very few, if any, adverse effects of SNEC 30 even at very high dose. There have been no reports of toxicity following even large amount of turmeric ingestion.


All the information on this site is for the purpose of general education and in no way can substitute the consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor. It is highly recommended that you consult with your Ayurvedic doctor or health care provider to determine the individual requirements. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should not take any supplements without consulting their doctor.