Using the Magical Spice Turmeric for Diabetes Treatment Promises Great Reward
Normally, body breaks down sugars and carbohydrates that we eat into a special sugar, glucose that fuels cells in our body. In this process, cells require insulin in the bloodstream in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy. In diabetes, either the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or it can’t use the insulin produced, or maybe a combination of both. As a result, glucose starts to build up in blood. High levels of blood glucose can damage tiny blood vessels in kidneys, heart, eyes and/or nervous system leading to complications.
A New Era has begun with turmeric for diabetes treatment – it is one of the most extensively researched anti-diabetic root. Active polyphenol in turmeric known as, Curcumin, exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, cardio-protective, neuro-protective, anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties. Turmeric for diabetes treatment is considered an all-in-one cure.
Types of Diabetes Mellitus:
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus/Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) – It is known to begin often in childhood itself. This is an autoimmune condition means body itself attacking pancreas (which produce insulin) and thus damaged pancreas cannot make insulin efficiently. It can be hereditary and caused due to genetic predisposition or can be result of faulty beta cells which are responsible for producing insulin in the pancreas.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus/ Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) – It is actually the most common form of diabetes and is also referred to as adult onset diabetes mellitus. Though it is a milder form of diabetes compared to type 1, still diabetes type 2 is known to cause various health complications. In patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas typically produces some insulin this amount is not sufficient for the requirements of body or body has become resistant to it. Insulin resistance (lack of sensitivity to insulin) happening primarily in fat, liver, and muscle cells results in this condition.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) – When a female who had no diabetes develops high blood sugar levels during pregnancy, the condition is referred to as gestational diabetes. Typically it is diagnosed in middle or late pregnancy. Though it may have few symptoms, but gestational diabetes can cause greater risk to the unborn baby. It can also complicate the pregnancy and increase the possibility of cesarean section.
Other form of Diabetes – Certain kind of diabetes can arise from specific conditions like certain surgeries, medications, or disease of pancreas. These types of diabetes are considered rare and account for very little percentage of all cases.
What to Expect in Diabetes Mellitus?
Increased thirst – Polydipsia
Extreme appetite/Hunger – Polyphagia
Need to urinate frequently – Polyuria
Unexplained weight loss.
Fatigue and irritability
Frequent infections.
Slower healing of wounds.
Sudden changes in vision.
Presence of ketones in urine.
Dry skin
“Causes” Behind Diabetes Mellitus
Autoimmune Issues – In autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks body’s own cells and type 1 diabetes mellitus is one such autoimmune disease which is caused by shortage of insulin due to destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. This type of diabetes can be genetic and heredity plays an important role in occurrence of this.
Insulin Resistance – Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is considered to be most common form of diabetes. It is caused by a combination of factors such as insulin resistance wherein body’s muscles, fats, and liver cells are unable to insulin efficiently. Type 2 diabetes develops when there is not enough insulin to compensate for the impaired ability of body to use insulin. Type 2 diabetes symptomatology may develop slowly and gradually. Also, type 2 diabetes can exist in subtle way and remain undiagnosed for years.
Genetic Predisposition – Though genes alone cannot trigger a disease but if there are more risk factors such as obesity and lack of exercise, then situation can lead to diabetes. It is obvious that family history plays an important role in development of diabetes.
Obesity and Physical Inactivity are also considered to be contributing factor and for those with genetic predisposition become more susceptible in the presence of these.
Metabolic syndrome is a name given to group of conditions where body produces abnormally high blood glucose levels, abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and increased abdominal fat. The people with metabolic syndrome also have increased insulin resistance and hence are at increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2.
Cigarette smoking – Studies have shown that smokers almost double the risk of developing diabetes mellitus as compared to nonsmokers.
Risk Factors Related To Diabetes Mellitus
Family History.
Dietary issues.
Being overweight.
Physical inactivity.
Age- as one gets older, the risk increases.
History of gestational diabetes.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
High blood pressure.
Abnormally high cholesterol and triglyceride level.
History of smoking.
Complications Occurring From Diabetes Mellitus
Presence of diabetes can pose serious health risks and it is known to cause target organ damage. It is in fact considered the most dreaded non-communicable disease. Following complications are known to be associated with diabetes mellitus:
Cardiovascular complications — Diabetes significantly increases the risk to develop a variety of cardiovascular complications such as angina, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke and narrowing of arteries (atherosclerosis). Not only this diabetes, raises the risk of stroke also.
Neuropathic complications — Excessive amount of blood sugar damages the walls of capillaries that provide nourishment to nerves, especially those of legs. This situation results in tingling, numbness, burning or pain beginning at the tips of the toes or fingers, spreading upward gradually. If this condition is left untreated, sensation of feeling can be lost in the affected limbs. If there is damage to nerves related to digestion, it can result in problems with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction in males.
Kidney Damage or nephropathy — Diabetes can damage the filtration system of kidneys and can even lead to kidney failure which may result in requirement of dialysis or transplant.
Complications related to vision or retinopathy —Diabetes can injure the blood vessels of the retina leading to diabetic retinopathy which can even result in blindness. There is also increased risk of other serious ocular conditions, such as cataracts and glaucoma in diabetics.
Vascular complications—Damage to nerves or poor blood circulation in feet results in various complications leading to ulcerations and infections. If untreated, cuts and blisters can develop into serious infections because of slow healing process in diabetics.
Skin complications— Diabetics are known to be susceptible to a variety of skin problems like fungal infections.
Hearing related complications— Diabetes can often lead to hearing impairment in patients.
Increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease — Diabetes appears to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in patients with poor blood sugar control.
Gestational diabetes complications— diabetes in pregnant women can pose serious risk to unborn baby including increased possibility of preeclampsia and requirement of cesarean section.
Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
Random blood sugar (RBS) — blood sample can be checked at any random time to check for blood glucose levels.
Fasting blood sugar (FBS) — sample is taken after overnight fasting and blood sugar level less than 100 mg/dL is considered normal; if it is from 100 to 125 mg/dL, the person is considered prediabetic and above that is considered diabetes.
Post prandial blood sugar (PPBS) – Blood sample is taken 2 hours after a heavy meal to check for blood glucose level
Oral glucose tolerance test (GTT) — during this test, once fasting sample is taken, the patient is made to drink sugary drink and then blood sugar levels are measured periodically to check for insulin resistance.
Glycosylated hemoglobin or HbA1C test — the test indicates average blood sugar level in the range of last two to three months. The percentage of blood sugar attached to hemoglobin is measured.
Ways to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus
Recommendations for prevention of diabetes mellitus are following:
Weight management and maintaining healthy body weight.
Eating healthy balanced diet with lesser amount of sugars and fats.
Limiting alcohol intake.
Smoking cessation.
Regular exercise.
Tight control of blood pressure.
Role of Turmeric (haldi): Turmeric for Diabetes treatment Controls Sugar Level
Turmeric for diabetes treatment has come out of the kitchen with its diverse medicinal effects and has made a noticeable presence at the researcher’s desk. Numerous studies have revealed that extract of turmeric for diabetes treatment may even reverse pancreatic damage in type 1 diabetes. It has gained significant importance in medicine as a natural healer as turmeric for diabetes treatment acts in a way that gives you instant results with no adverse effects on other organs.
Curcumin, a polyphenol, is the main active component of turmeric responsible for its therapeutic effects including anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant properties following oral or topical administration. Curcumin can be an ultimate option for diabetes prevention. Action of curcumin along with diabetes medications can reduce blood sugar levels drastically. Diabetes symptoms like high fat levels, excessive thirst and frequent urination can also be successfully treated by curcumin found in turmeric. Turmeric for diabetes treatment has become an easy reach that exerts fast action and helps you to control that nasty sugar in blood.
A recent literature review published in the International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism titled, “Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect and Insulin Sensitizing Effects of Turmeric and its principle Constituent Curcumin”, supports the notion that turmeric for diabetes treatment may provide an Ideal drug alternative to treat and even prevent diabetes mellitus, which stood out to be one of the world’s most prevalent diagnoses.
Issue with Common Turmeric:
Turmeric for diabetes treatment has been recognized over the years as research suggests that the spice could treat and prevent diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, Curcumin found in turmeric fails to exert 100% of its therapeutic effects due to:
Poor bioavailability of curcumin
Less permeability and extensive systemic metabolism of curcumin
Requirement of additional elements in combination with curcumin for better absorption
When ingested, not much curcumin actually reaches the bloodstream to have any impact on body. The liver quickly flushes curcumin out of the body and you get no benefit. Adding to that, turmeric root contains only about 1-3% of Curcumin and thus taking non-standardized powdered turmeric root would entail intake of a very large amount in order to derive any benefit of curcumin.
To enhance effects of turmeric for diabetes treatment, a novel formulation, SNEC 30 (Self-nano emulsifying curcumin capsule 30 mg) has been developed that has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immuno-modulatory properties without posing any adverse effects. SNEC 30 is the latest generation of scientifically formulated bioactive co-developed by Arbro Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd, DRDO (Defense Research & Development Organization), and Jamia Hamdard University in collaboration with DST (Department of Science & Technology, GOI). It has got US Patent for the technology used.
SNEC 30 uses Self Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) which makes it the most effective agent to reduce symptoms and control sugar levels in diabetes mellitus.
SNEC 30 Uses SNEDDS for better Absorption and Bioavailability of curcumin With Fast Action – The US patented formulation of curcumin, SNEC 30 is based on SNEDDS that helps curcumin to achieve Cmax (peak serum concentration of any drug) of active curcuminoids several times more than its’ closest rival. SNEC 30 forms a stable nano emulsion in stomach and bypasses the pre-systemic metabolism followed by absorption through the lipid absorption channel and the payers’ patches in the intestines. It also escapes Liver First Pass and directly reaches into systemic blood through lymphatic system providing the basis for high Cmax at a very low dose.
Curcumin in SNEC 30 regulates Insulin levels – Insulin production in our body is regulated by pancreas. SNEC 30 has been proven in various studies to keep the pancreas healthy. It has highly beneficial glucose lowering properties which are effective in maintaining pancreatic function while regulating and balancing insulin levels and thus preventing insulin resistance in the body. SNEC 30 is very effective in lowering blood sugar and triglyceride levels, and thus helps in diabetes treatment effectively and even prevent its onset.
SNEC 30 reduces oxidative stress in Diabetes – SNEC 30, due to its unique US patented formulation, neutralizes free radicals which makes it the best anti-oxidant. Curcumin in SNEC 30 is a potent scavenger of Super Oxide. SNEC 30 inhibits free-radical-mediated peroxidation.
SNEC 30 Protects against Infections in Diabetes – Its immunomodulatory action strengthens body’s immunity to fight against most microbial infections. SNEC 30 also exerts antimicrobial and disinfectant properties for a wide range of topical bacterial and fungal infections.
SNEC 30 Strengthens Body’s Immune System: Diabetics are prone to getting other health related complications like heart disease, kidney failure, poor liver function, etc. because of lowered immunity. Diabetes weakens immune system. SNEC 30 has remarkably advantageous antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-glycemic properties of Curcumin which not only strengthens the immune system but also is effective in fighting various infections
SNEC 30 Helps In Weight Reduction: Diabetics have an increased risk of obesity due to buildup of abdominal fat and this condition hampers insulin production all the more difficult. SNEC 30 helps control triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the body, improves digestion, and aids in prevention of fat accumulation. SNEC 30 helps in weight management which is extremely important to manage diabetes or prevent its onset.
SNEC 30 Delays Development of Diabetes In Pre-Diabetic Individuals – Curcumin in SNEC 30 has been proved to delay development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, by improving beta-cell functions, preventing beta-cell death, and also reducing insulin resistance.
Dosage and Safety – SNEC 30 is completely safe even at very high doses but ideal dose should be customized according to individual body requirement. Trials generally report very few, if any, adverse effects of SNEC 30 even at very high dose. There have been no reports of toxicity following even large amount of turmeric ingestion.
Disclaimer – All the information on this site is for the purpose of general education and in no way can substitute the consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor. It is highly recommended that you consult with your Ayurvedic doctor or health care provider to determine the individual requirements. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should not take any supplements without consulting their doctor.